“Derek’s presentation is like a Pixar movie. It’s intended for youth (high school students) and they are really into it, but the parents also see the importance of his message and love the sessions as well.” — Mark Hershey, Director of High School Ministries, Hope Community Church, Wichita, KS
“This seminar raises the bar on the college preparation process. You will hear some things that you won’t hear anywhere else. It’s a different kind of college preparation. My daughter (HS senior) said it was the ‘best’ large group presentation she has seen at our church. Most relevant.” — Pam Stroup, Director of Parent Ministries, McLean Bible Church, McLean, VA
“You gave me a fresh perspective on how to communicate and motivate youth during this transition. Your presentation was extremely substantial and I could not stop taking notes the entire time. I was impressed with the depth and frankness you shared with the students. I have been in Christian education for 12 years now and I found your organization, examples, and outline to be richly transformative.” — Daniel Townsley, Guidance Counselor, Legacy Christian Academy, Dallas, TX
“Thanks so much for your presentation last night. What a blessing! I really believe the Lord has you right where He wants you and that your ministry is so important for the church today.” — Josh Sorensen, Youth Pastor, Calvary Chapel of Central Bucks, Chalfont, PA
“The College Transition Seminar is the best seminar I’ve experienced for preparing students for the challenges they will face during college life. The presentation was excellent, true, and relevant for today’s world. Every student needs this seminar.” — Troy De Bruin, Youth Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Lancaster, PA
“Derek has a gift for connecting with students and parents. At the college transition seminar he presented the college experience as a transformational opportunity. He challenged students and parents to live thoughtfully, intentionally and engage the culture. After the event several parents asked to have Derek back and wished they would have invited a friend or family member. They believe that this is a message our church needs to hear. Since his talk in August our student ministry staff and volunteers have been strategically thinking through how to make the high school to college transition seamless within the walls of the church. I am thankful for the insight and passion Derek’s presentation brought to VPC. Derek was able to speak truth about the reality of the college transition in a way that has brought life and passion to our congregation!” — Kayla Gray, Vienna Presbyterian Church, Vienna, VA
“I was deeply grateful for the excellent presentation you gave on Sunday night, as were the students and parents. Really thoughtfully constructed, content-rich, culturally savvy and well presented. I love what you’re doing and hope your ministry continues to grow and bear fruit.” – Bill Hodgeman, Pleasant Street Christian Reformed Church, Whitinsville, MA