Video Gaming Trends
Life After High School
College Students and Church
Beloit College Mindset List
College Decisions
Drink Spiking
Teen Athletes & Binge Drinking
‘Academic Doping’ On The Rise: Number of Students Abusing ADHD Drugs Increasing
Colleges Ramp Up Outreach For Mental Health Cases
Drink Spiking
Helicopter Parents
Alcohol at College Sporting Events
Vocation and Calling
Campus Rape Culture
Campus Suicide
College Students and Anxiety
Spiritual Maturity and Adulthood
Helicopter Parents
College Students and Marijuana
Pornography on Campus
Campus Sexuality
College Students and Anxiety
Campus Rape Culture
Difficulties and Spiritual Growth
Donna Freitas: Hookup Culture
Alcohol at College Sporting Events
The Hill Family Lecture Series: Matthew Crawford
Filmed at the Museum of Nature in Ottawa, Ontario, November 19, 2014.
Writes Crawford in his bestseller, Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work:
“Given the intrinsic richness of manual work—cognitively, socially, and in its broader psychic appeal—the question becomes why it has suffered such a devaluation as a component of education?”
How can we restore meaning and prestige to the trades? Cardus has been deeply involved in finding answers to this question with the Building Meaning Project. Crawford examines the history and philosophy surrounding this question through the lens of his own experience, going from office worker to motorcycle mechanic.
In the panel discussion following Crawford’s presentation, industry leaders share their points of view.
Right vs Average Colleges
Parents and Academic Pressure
Dad’s and College Success
Life After High School
A one-minute radio spot from CPYU’s Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller.
Alcohol at College Sporting Events
Preparing for College
20 And Something
Barna Group’s FRAMES research reveals Millennials’ perspectives on the challenges they face as they join America’s workforce. The FRAME 20 and Something, written by David H. Kim, executive director of the Center for Faith & Work at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, unpacks Barna’s vast data on Millennials and work, calling, marriage, family, faith and more. Kim offers insight for institutions like churches and businesses on how to understand and relate to twentysomethings as they emerge into adulthood.
Read an excerpt from 20 and Something here.
See more Barna research on Millennials here.
Tim Keller: Belief in an Age of Skepticism
Tim Keller, senior pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, addresses the challenges posed to belief in the contemporary world. The video is from The Veritas Forum at the University of California, Berkeley in 2008. Dr. Keller’s talk is based on his bestselling book The Reason for God.
This is a great video to watch with college-bound high school students to get them thinking about faith after high school.
1. What stuck out to you as you listened to Dr. Keller presentation?
2. What do you think were his strongest points?
3. Did you have any disagreements with Dr. Keller arguments for belief in God and the Christian faith?
4. How do you think Dr. Keller handled the questions from the audience? What can you learn from him about how to have discussions with people who disagree with your worldview?
5. If you were given the task of explaining or defending the Christian faith at an event like The Veritas Forum, how would you do it? What would the outline of your talk be? Would you be nervous? Why or why not?
Related Resources:
Link: Why Believe?
Blog: A Crisis of Faith? Questions and Doubts for College Students
Article: “Affirming Doubt: Helping Students Ask and Answer Tough Questions“
Jubilee Conference 2014 Highlights
Check out what students are saying about the Jubilee Conference!
Related blog posts:
College Debt
Derek Melleby featured on Youth Culture Today, a 60-second daily radio show from CPYU that helps equip adults to better understand and respond to the complex and rapidly changing world of their children and teens, all from a distinctively Christian perspective.
Derek explains the struggles many students face when having college debt and encourages students and parents to plan for college with caution and wisdom.
Related expert interview (.pdf): “College, Crippling Debt and Financial Wisdom: J. Steve Miller Interview“

What if College was a Calling?
Derek Melleby featured on Youth Culture Today, a 60-second daily radio show from CPYU that helps equip adults to better understand and respond to the complex and rapidly changing world of their children and teens, all from a distinctively Christian perspective.
Should college be the assumed “next step” for life after high school? Derek invites listeners to consider going to college as a calling from God.
Related blog: College as Calling?
Related book: Learning for the Love of God: A Student’s Guide to Academic Faithfulness by Donald Opitz and Derek Melleby

The Benefits of Taking a Gap Year Before Going to College
Derek Melleby featured on Youth Culture Today, a 60-second daily radio show from CPYU that helps equip adults to better understand and respond to the complex and rapidly changing world of their children and teens, all from a distinctively Christian perspective.
Derek discusses the benefits of taking a “Gap Year” before heading off to college. Related article (.pdf): “God in the Gap Year: The Benefits of Taking Time Off Before Going to College.”
Learn more about Christian Gap Year programs here.

What Leads to Faith that Sticks?
Derek Melleby featured on Youth Culture Today, a 60-second daily radio show from CPYU that helps equip adults to better understand and respond to the complex and rapidly changing world of their children and teens, all from a distinctively Christian perspective.
Derek discusses the key-findings from the “sticky faith” research from Fuller Youth Institute. Related blog: “What Makes Faith Stick?“

Help Students Connect to Christian Community in College
Derek Melleby featured on Youth Culture Today, a 60-second daily radio show from CPYU that helps equip adults to better understand and respond to the complex and rapidly changing world of their children and teens, all from a distinctively Christian perspective.
Derek discusses the importance of connecting to Christian community while in college. Related article: “Finding Community in College: 5 Ways to Help Students Connect” (PDF).

Are All Kids Cut Out for College?
From CPYU’s daily (1 minute) radio show Youth Culture Today… CPYU president, Walt Mueller, points to the College Transition Initiative while discussing whether on not everyone needs to go to college and the burden of debt facing many graduating students. He notes a study revealing that student loan debt now exceeds credit card debt in the United State. The new CTI seminar “The College Choice: Faith, Family & Finances” was developed to address these issues.

Connecting Faith Radio Show: Preparing Teens for College
Derek Melleby was featured on the radio show Connecting Faith, a daily program from Faith Radio. Here is the show’s description:
“Navigating transitions can be challenging if there is not a clear sense of direction and a solid foundation from which to move. And statistics suggest entering college life can be especially difficult for maintaining Christian belief. Having a better understanding of what our teens will experience in college can help us guide them through this transition and we’ll get insight and advice from Derek Melleby, director of the College Transition Initiative for the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding.”
Click below to listen to a highlight from the show (3:00) or listen to the full program (60:00) here.

Webinar Recording: Best Books for Pastors, Parents and Youth Workers
The recording from the webinar held on June 27, 2013 featuring Byron Borger of Hearts & Minds Bookstore. Byron recommends books for summer reading and study.
Click here to download (.pdf) the power point to see the list of books.
Click here to read Byron’s follow-up blog with titles and prices.
Click here to order books from Hearts & Minds.
Click here to read Byron’s very popular Booknotes blog.
Click here to visit CPYU’s Resource Center.
Click here to purchase previous CPYU webinars.
Happy reading!
CPYU Webinar: Helping Students Transition to College
The webinar was held on April 10, 2013.
Resources mentioned in order of appearance:
Book: The First Year Out: Understanding American Teens After High School by Tim Clydesdale: Expert Interview
Seminar: The College Transition
Blog: Combating Senioritis: 3 Activities for College Bound Students
Article: “Conversations for the College Bound: 10 Talks to Have Before Arriving on Campus”
Article: “Finding Community in College: 5 Ways to Help Students Connect”
CTI Book: The Outrageous Idea of Academic Faithfulness
CTI Book: Make College Count: A Faithful Guide to Life and Learning
Book/DVD: CPYU Grad Gift Bundle (More CPYU Gifts for Grads)
Derek Melleby Discusses Sticky Faith in College
CTI Director, Derek Melleby, is interviewed by Derry Prenkert, pastor of student ministries at Nappanee Missionary Church (NMC) in Nappanee, Indiana. The interview, which begins at 15:08, was part of pastor Derry’s sermon entitled “The Exchange Lane.” Read more about Derek’s time in Nappanee and about NMC’s commitment to developing “sticky faith” in young people here.
Derek Melleby on Living the Word
Last April, gearing up for my Spring Tour 2012 stop in Medina, OH, I was interviewed by Glenn Mertz for his radio program Living the Word out of Cleveland. Glenn and I talked about the College Transition Seminar, issues students face transitioning to life after high school and my book Make College Count: A Faithful Guide to Life and Learning.

CPYU Webinar: 10 Ways CPYU Can Help You Minister to Parents
Webinar presented by CPYU President Walt Mueller, originally recorded live on November 1, 2012.
Faith in College
Derek Melleby is featured in this video for the Fuller Youth Institute to help students think more deeply about faith after high school.
Youth Group Kids Gone Wild
Kara Powell of the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) interviews CTI Director Derek Melleby about internalization of faith and other issues related to FYI’s Sticky Faith research. Read the accompanying article:
“Youth Group Kids Gone Wild: What You Can Do Now to Prepare Kids for College.”

Make College Count
Learn more about Make College Count: A Faithful Guide to Life and Learning by CTI Director Derek Melleby here.
Purchase from the CPYU Resource Center.
Retail: $12.99
CPYU Rates:
1-4 copies –> $10/each
5-9 copies –> $9/each
10+ copies –> $8/each