
The Defining Decade: Why 30 is Not the New 20

My previous post about the novel Early Decision by Lacy Crawford reminded me of this important and insightful TEDtalk about emerging adulthood. Enjoy!

defineThere are 15 million 20-somethings in the United States. According to clinical psychologist Meg Jay, the 20s are not a developmental downtime, but a developmental “sweet spot.” The “benign neglect” of this formative phase in life, by some, is a real problem with real consequences. In this TEDtalk, Dr. Jay explains why the 20s is the “defining decade” and what steps young adults can take to “claim their adulthood.”

Related Resources:

Article: “College grads, 30 isn’t the new 20” by Meg Jay

BookThe Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter–And How to Make the Most of Them Now by Meg Jay

Expert Interview: “Understanding Teens After High School” (.pdf) with Tim Clydesdale