
What’s Next for Your Students? Are They Prepared?

college-lifeCPYU President, Walt Mueller, recently blogged about why CPYU started the College Transition Initiative and reminds readers to sign up for the FREE webinar being held on April 10 at 1:00pm (EST): “Helping Students Transition to College.”

Here’s an excerpt from Walt’s post:

“As parents, what messages do we want to intentionally pass on to our kids? And are we choosing those messages in ways that prepare them to follow, serve, and glorify God in the next chapter of their lives? Or, are we simply letting nature takes it course? We all know that they are swimming 24/7 in a soup filled with messages that shape what they think and how they live. . . not only what they think and live now, but what they will think and live for the rest of their lives.

One area of hindsight-fueled regret that I hear over and over and over again is related to how parents, youth workers, and churches have failed to prepare students for the transition from high school to college. Consider these little research snippets:

Only one in seven high school seniors report feeling prepared to face the challenges of college life.

Forty percent of college freshman report finding difficulty in finding a church or Christian fellowship group.

More than half (60%) of all Christian teens and twenty somethings leave active involvement in church.

It seems that all of us. . . in unison. . . are asking, ‘How can we do a better job to help students be more spiritually prepared for college. . . and the life that follows?'”

Read the rest of Walt’s post here.

Register for the FREE Webinar “Helping Students Transition to College” here.