Enhancing Higher Education Outcomes
Northeastern University sponsored its second annual national survey to shed new light on Americans’ attitudes toward the future of higher education in the United States.
The survey provides insights on Americans’ views on the role of higher education in producing desirable outcomes, particularly the ability of graduates to succeed in today’s global economy.
Key Findings:
Americans continue to believe in the importance of higher education, but express concerns about the system’s ability to prepare graduates for success in today’s competitive workforce.
Despite the recent focus on STEM degrees, most Americans and particularly business leaders say it is more important for graduates to be well-rounded and possess broader capabilities such as problem solving and communication skills.
Americans express declining confidence in online education, and they remain divided over the long-term benefits and impact of Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs).
Americans resolutely believe in the importance of experiential learning for long-term career success.
Americans are divided on whether the greatest responsibility for preparing recent graduates for success lies with employers, colleges/universities or the graduates themselves.
Read the full summary of “key findings” here.
Read the full report here.