Penn State Updates Course On Drinking And Sexual Violence, Aiming To Keep Students ‘Safe & Aware’
Penn State recently revamped its online course for incoming freshmen. Students learn about alcohol safety and sexual violence. Read the article here.
Penn State recently revamped its online course for incoming freshmen. Students learn about alcohol safety and sexual violence. Read the article here.
The functionality is exactly the same as regular Tinder, although the UI looks slightly different: a badge depicting users’ universities will be displayed on their main profile image. Read the article here.
A study by author and speaker Lisa Wade provides an eye-opening glimpse into “hookup culture” on college campuses. *language warning*
Read the full article here.
The ideology of the hookup culture sets everyone up to be a victim by luring students into the vast expanse of sexual gray area, then telling them it’s black and white.
Read the full article here.
Feminists and frat boys, asexuals, groupies, and that quiet kid who sits in the front row. A weeklong survey of what it means to be young and in lust (or asexual or aromantic) in 2015.
Read the full story here.
The number of college students claiming they’ve never had sex is nearly 40 percent. Only five years ago, a 25-year, “exhaustive” study found that college students who say they’re virgins made up only 13 percent. What has changed? Read the take from Relevant Magazine here.
As romance gets swiped from the screen, some twentysomethings aren’t liking what they see. Read the article here.
The New York Times op-ed by college professor Andrew Reiner raises important questions concerning how to teach Generation Y the basics of a strong relationship. From the article Love, Actually:
“So, the question that has never needed asking before now looms large: How do we teach a generation how to love?…
Perhaps this is where college classrooms can step in. For this résumé-driven generation, schools would do well to add a grade-based seminar about love. The course could cross many academic disciplines: the biology of intimacy; the multicultural history of courtship; the psychology and sociology of vulnerability.
Such a proposal may sound far-fetched. But this is an opportunity for colleges to walk the talk of their marketing messages, which tout developing not just the minds of students but the whole person. It’s time for students to feel the love.”
Read the full article here.
Download related CTI resource “Sex on Campus” (.pdf) here.