Maintaining Emotional Health (In College)
Everything changes when you go off to college. This article from Relevant Magazine explores how to handle the transition.
Read the article here.
Everything changes when you go off to college. This article from Relevant Magazine explores how to handle the transition.
Read the article here.
College personnel everywhere are struggling with students’ increased neediness. Read the article here.
A report by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) analyzes data collected from the new, nationally-representative High School Longitudinal Study (HSLS) taking a closer look at what high schools are doing and how their actions influence ninth graders’ college attitudes, aspirations and plans. The study concludes: “Perhaps never before in our nation’s history has helping Americans successfully transition into and complete postsecondary credentials been more important. Increasing Americans’ educational attainment is critical for our country’s economic competitiveness.”
Read the report here.
Download the full report (.pdf) here.
Findings from the latest ACT National Curriculum Survey point to a continued gap between what high schools are teaching and what colleges expect their incoming students to know. The survey results suggest “this gap may indicate a lack of alignment between high school and college curricula that could be contributing to the nation’s college and career readiness problem…. and shows more than three times as many high school teachers as college instructors believe their students are prepared to succeed in college courses.”
Read the full report here.
Download the survey results (.pdf) here.
The College Board Advocacy & Policy Center’s National Office for School Counselor Advocacy (NOSCA) conducted its second annual national survey of school counselors. The survey provides insights on school counselor efficacy, training, accountability and resources.
Key finding: 62% of the counselors said they need additional training on the transition from high school to college (p. 31).
Read about the national survey here.
Download the full report (.pdf) here.