Why Colleges Should Not Drift From Their Original Mission
Tim Elmore blogs on an evolution taking place on college campuses. Read his post here.
Tim Elmore blogs on an evolution taking place on college campuses. Read his post here.
Multiculturalism has the characteristics of a primitive religion, albeit a confused one. Read the article here.
What happens when liberal democracy increasingly resembles communism, especially in higher education. Read the article here.
From tech to finance and the arts, college students and recent graduates believe they can have it all. Read the article here.
“Follow your heart” is a phrase that we hear in our culture often. But is that a good idea? Watch a video addressing this issue from Impact 360 Institute here.
Each generation produces a cultural shift, some more impactful than others, but this generation of young adults has undeniably brought on such a significant shift in the cultural mindset that it’s challenging for those of us in previous generations to understand. Read the rest of this blog post from Jim Burns of HomeWord by clicking here.
Augsburg College—now Augsburg University—has gone from “awakened” to “woke.” It has arguably conceded more to the secular progressive agenda than any Lutheran college or university in America. Read the full article here.
IIn partnership with the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), Barna asked American adults about their beliefs on the primary purpose of a college education. Read the results here.
In this article for the New York Times, David Brooks says, “People in their 20s seem to be compelled to bounce around more, popping up here and there, quantumlike, with different jobs, living arrangements and partners while hoping that all these diverse experiences magically add up to something.”
Read the rest of the article here.
MONTREAT – Some Montreat College students say the school’s new community life covenant, which has prompted some faculty members to leave, has divided the normally close-knit campus. Read the full article here.