Research + News | Topic: Entertainment
Feb 4, 2013
College as Country Club?
A paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research investigates whether or not colleges cater to students’ preferences for consumption. The study finds that most students do appear to value college consumption amenities, including spending on student activities, sports, and dormitories.
Read the abstract of paper here.
Jan 30, 2013
Does College Play a Role in Media Consumption?
According to the most recent Nielsen Cross-Platform Report, the 18-24 year-old consumer demographic consumes media where it can, when it can. Nearly half the viewers in this demo grab their smartphones at least once per day while watching TV, topping any other group. This group also spends the most time watching video on the Internet—almost an hour-and-a-half each week. Consumption differs, however, within the 18-24 demo itself, and the variations are predicated on consumer lifestyle, education and living situation.
Read the full report here.
Nov 9, 2012
Children, Teens and Entertainment Media: The View From The Classroom
Common Sense Media conducted a national survey of teachers about the role of entertainment media in students’ academic and social development.
Key Finding 1: “Many teachers think their students’ use of entertainment media has hurt their academic performance.”
Key Finding 2: “Among teachers who say their students’ academic skills have been hurt by entertainment media use, the media most often cited as problematic are texting, social networking, video games, and television, depending on the students’ age.”
Key Finding 3: “The biggest problem area teachers see in terms of their students’ skills is in writing.”
Read more “key findings” here.
Download full report (.pdf) here.