Research + News | Topic: Professors
English Prof: ‘My Students Can’t Write To Save Their Lives’
From the article…
“English professors have turned to a feelings-oriented approach to their craft. Instead of being the sage on the stage, they have become the guide on the side. They place greater emphasis on the thoughts and feelings or political ideas students put into their works than whether or not students are following – or even knowing – the grammatical rules of writing.”
Read the rest of the article here.
Laptops Are Great. But Not During A Lecture Or A Meeting.
Step into any college lecture hall and you are likely to find a sea of students typing away at open, glowing laptops as the professor speaks. Read the article here.
Georgia Professor Allows Stressed Out Students To Choose Their Own Grades
A professor at the University of Georgia will allow his fall semester students to pick their own grades in an effort to reduce the stress levels of his students. Read the article here.
Forced Readings: A Twisted View of Censorship on Campus
This Salvo Magazine article takes a look at how liberal education is redefining censorship. Read the article here.
Party Schools
David Horowitz zeros in on the indoctrination of students by ideologues. Read the article here.
Declining Student Resilience: A Serious Problem for Colleges
College personnel everywhere are struggling with students’ increased neediness. Read the article here.
The Case Against Laptops in the Classroom
Some teachers and professors are rethinking allowing laptops and other electronics in the classroom. Read the article here.
The 4 Properties of Powerful Teachers
The Chronicle of Higher Education takes a look at developing the qualities of powerful teachers. From the article:
American higher education seems to be experiencing a kind of teaching renaissance. Articles on the subject proliferate on this site and others, suggesting a renewed interest and commitment to the subject across academe.
Read the full article here.
How I Almost Lost the Bible
Had it not been for the first editor of Christianity Today, I likely would have gone the way of liberal scholar Bart Ehrman, says article author Gregory Alan Thornbury for Christianity Today. Read the full article here.