Helicopter Parenting Impact Can Last As Long As College Years
A new Florida State University (FSU) study finds helicopter parenting continues well into young adulthood and can have devastating impacts on college students. Read the article here.
A new Florida State University (FSU) study finds helicopter parenting continues well into young adulthood and can have devastating impacts on college students. Read the article here.
While most parents say they are doing enough to prepare their teen for adulthood, they gave low rankings of their teen’s ability to handle basic tasks. Read the article here.
In an age where college students can Skype, email and Snapchat with their families faster than it takes to read this sentence, it’s easy for parents to stay involved in the lives of their children who’ve flown the coop.
Read the full article here.
A new study finds that parents who are too involved with their college-age kids could indirectly lead to issues such as depression and anxiety.
Read the full article here.
College personnel everywhere are struggling with students’ increased neediness. Read the article here.
From the article:
Julie Lythcott-Haims noticed a disturbing trend during her decade as a dean of freshmen at Stanford University. Incoming students were brilliant and accomplished and virtually flawless, on paper. But with each year, more of them seemed incapable of taking care of themselves.
Read the rest of the article here.
Recent studies suggest that kids with overinvolved parents and rigidly structured childhoods suffer psychological blowback in college. Read the article here.
George Will writes the following in an opinion piece on Philly.com:
As Penn State historian Gary Cross says, adolescence is being redefined to extend well into the 20s, and the “clustering of rites of passage” into adulthood – marriage, childbearing, permanent employment – “has largely disappeared.”
Read the full article here.
An article by CBS Money Watch discusses new research concerning “helicopter parents” and young adult job searches.
From the article:
“Almost four out of 10 Americans between 18 to 24 years old say their parents are involved in their search for employment, according to a survey from Adecco Staffing. Over-invested parents are doing everything from accompanying their adult children to job interviews to writing their thank-you notes after an interview, the study found.”
Read the full report here.
An article in the The New York Times Sunday Review discusses recent research on helicopter parenting: “American parents are more involved in our children’s lives than ever: we schedule play dates, assist with homework and even choose college courses. We know that all of this assistance has costs — depleted bank balances, constricted social lives — but we endure them happily, believing we are doing what is best for our children. What if, however, the costs included harming our children?”
Read the full article here.